So we have come a long way since our first show last year. Gigi has gained a lot of weight and muscle and filled out very nicely. Overall right now she is doing very well. She is still forward most of the time, but there are good days and bad days. Mostly what I am working on is exercises to build up her body. My theory with this is the more in shape she is the more comfortably she will move, and the better she will look! The stronger her body is, the easier it will be to get her mind to relax.
I have jumped her up to 2'9 now and we can course at 2ft to 2'3 (mostly verticals, not as comfortable with oxers yet). As you can see in the bottom photo she doesn't jump very evenly yet. This was about a 2'6 oxer and her knees aren't even. We have been doing some gymnastic exercises but she hasn't been very fond of them. Last week I tried doing a trot pole to a crossrail, no stride to a small vertical and two strides to a small vertical but she was having a very difficult time with it. She did it eventually, after I took out the trot pole and let her canter in. I know gymnastics are supposed to start from the trot. This is something we will work on.

She is much more relaxed going to the right than the left, which I think is really weird for an ex-racehorse. My trainer thinks she is just over going to the left because of her long race career. She still pulls at the bit, especially when I do a strong half halt at the canter. She has also started over bridling to avoid my hands and to avoid the bit. We may need to switch up her bit again soon to try to get her more comfortable. Right now she is in a jointed Uxter Kimberwick.
This is us jumping in June: